Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Story From My Friend

This is a true story of a young college girl who passed away last month, at Shah Alam. Her name is Priya; she was hit by a lorry.

I don't want to mention the name of the college. She had a boyfriend names Shankar. He lives in Johore. Both of them are true lovers. They are always on the phone with each other. You can never see her without her handphone.

She spends ¾ of the day talking with Shankar. Priya's family knows about their relationship. Shankar is very close with Priya's family (just imagine their love). Before she passed away she always told her friends "If I pass away please burn me with my handphone". She also said the same thing to her parents.

After her death, people couldn't carry her coffin. I was there ~ a lot of them tried to do so but still couldn't , everybody including me, had tried to carry the coffin, the result was still the same.

Eventually, they called their neighbour, a "bomoh" from Thailand (pak Darin), who is a friend of her father's. He took a seat and started speaking to himself slowly. After a few minutes, he said "this girl misses something here". Then her friends told Darin bout her intentions to burn her with her phone. He then opened the coffin and place her phone, together with the SIM card inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the coffin. It could now be moved and they carried it into the van easily. All of us were shocked. (can you feel the fear? I'm shaking at this moment.)

Priya's parents didn't inform Shankar that Priya had passed away (pity Shankar). After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom.

Shankar: "Atte, I'm coming home today. Please cook something nice for me. Don't tell Priya that I'm coming home today; I want to surprise her."

Her mother replied, "You come home first, I want to tell you something very important."

After he arrived at Shah Alam, they told him the truth about Priya.

Shankar thought that they were fooling around. He was laughing and said, "Don't try to fool me ... tell Priya to come out ... I have a gift for her. Please stop this nonsense."

Then they show him the Priya's death certificate; they gave him proof to make him believe.

Shankar started to sweat profusely. He said, "It's not true. We spoke yesterday. She still calls me."

Shankar was shaking so badly when suddenly, his phone rang.

"See this is from Priya. See this ...." he showed the phone to Priya's family. All of them told him to answer. He used the loudspeaker mode. All of them heard this conversation, loud and clear. No cross lines, no humming. It was Priya's voice! And there was no way others could use her SIM card as it was nailed inside the coffin! They were so shocked and asked for pak Darin's help.

Pak Darin brought his master (Tok Chen) to solve this matter. He and pak Darin worked for 5 hours ... then they discovered one thing .....

DiGi. Best coverage ever, ONE LOW FLAT RATE~!!!!!!! Anyone, any network,
anytime, ANYWHERE!!!*


Ok, now back to work ..... \(^*^)/




看到很多例子,当下的青年(讲到自己好像很老那样)都有着很“梦幻”的爱情观。他们想像爱情是唯美的,应该没有烦恼的,所以当“爱情”来了就一头钻进爱情里面,结果还是搞得自己满身伤痕累累。看了,有点心痛。在美女主播林佩盈(需要这么“完整”的Title吗?好奇怪的自己)的部落格里发现了这么一句话:“爱情里,大家都是独立体,各自付出,双方幸福。就算痛,也一起分担。”很欣赏那句“爱情里,大家都是独立体”。即使相爱,即使彼此决定要在一起,各自的发展还是必要的吧?我们耕耘各自的心田,让自己更成熟、更成长。与“独自修行” *词穷-ing*不同的是,我们在建立更稳固的自我的同时,我们都为共同的未来努力着。我想,比起“唯美”性质的爱情,这样的爱情更来得耀眼吧!至少我是这样的认为。

Friday, October 12, 2007



Thursday, October 11, 2007



朱:呃…我是Yee Ming,我现在在你家门口,你需要我们载你去开会吗?


Wednesday, October 10, 2007


这学期的最后一份Assignment是Oral Interaction Skill 的 Interview。我们必须从报章上找一份适合的工作,然后上网找资料,“打探”该公司的背景,再拟出一份Interview的报告出来。就因为这样,我开始翻阅工作的版位,不看还好,一看就觉得“OMG”!现在的市场竟大多要求Business Admin, Human Resource, Engineering, Mass Comm, Accounting, MAnagement等相关的文凭。再看看自己选择的科目,语文科…嗯…好像…好像没什么市场咧…*冒汗中*

昨晚唱题时想起一节御书:“ 阳光破大暗。女人之心如大暗,法华经如太阳。”再想起一句指导:“很多女性为宿命哭泣,但是克服宿命的女性,犹如太阳般光辉灿烂。”



Tuesday, October 09, 2007



Sunday, October 07, 2007
