男人一生当中,至少要deal with三个女人。难怪男人在世界上的人数比例,会比女人少,原来一个男人要服侍三个女人。
为什么这么说?第一个,母亲,俗称妈妈。她一生我们出来,我们男人就注定欠她了。从她跨下出来,也是上世的债。还是婴儿的时候,她给我们吃什么就什么,根 本没有选择的余地。很可能你以为哭就可以耍赖。但你是没办法的,因为她会一直在那喃喃自语,说:“你要乖哦,喝奶奶饱饱才会长高高哦....”
妈妈其实是读很多很多圣贤书的人,她的人生大道理好像永远都说不完。一直说一直说从不言倦。直到我有了女朋友,她再也没有对我有任何意见。嘢逃难咯!这时 候的我们就可以大展男人甜言蜜语的本色,千辛万苦地把女友骗来身边(一定要用“骗”这个字,才显得男人比较厉害)。可是几个月后才发现,原来是我被她骗 了。“你为什么这么肮脏?去洗澡”“快去读书”“吃了东西没有洗碗,想死啊??”啊。。。拿我的命吧,妈妈回来了!
不过人生就是这样,我们一定要跟着人生的规律做,才会得到人家的认同。“哇,结婚好啊,这样才乖嘛。。。”“恭喜哦,娶老婆,养番狗。。。”“快快生个小 孩来玩吧。。”
唔?就这样生了一个女儿。女儿很可爱,人家说女儿是前世的情人,果然没错。她一直叫我爸爸,爸爸的,简直甜进心里了~~身为一个好爸爸,我时常会讲故事让 她入睡。每一晚都是这样说。。。直到她不再想听我的声音。。
“我不在想听到爸爸的声音了,你都不讲道理的。。。”“怦”一声把门关上了。她认识了一个男朋友仔,每一晚都出到很夜才回来。我们男人最了解男人,我担心 她被人家骗才说了她两句,他就生气了。从那时候就开始玩冷战。一直到她出嫁那天,她跟我说:“爸,我爱你”。我哭了。我哭不是因为我冷战到最后赢了,而是 那个臭小子赢了我的女儿。。。呜呜。。。
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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12:40 am
Labels: 转贴心情的一刻
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
i need determination
sometimes we are not allow to make any mistake in life. once we do a wrong decision, we have to go on with it no matter we like it or not. just like my blog, i thought of changing the blog picture for fun, but it had came to the "point of no return" when i realized that i cannot change back the previous picture. so i forced to change the template and font colours for that mistake. perhaps it is time to get a new look for my blog (though i rarely update it now), and yet, the great things are always came from mistakes, as long as we didn't defeated and discouraged by the mistake, we will surely make a difference. actually i'm now a bit confuse with my future, and also confuse with my current situation. i think i really need a solid philosophy to guide my way now.. i keep making mistakes and it brings me fear. how long do i need to get through all my uncertainty? does every final semester's student feel the same i feel now? how can i get the courage to move forward again? the more i possess, the more i fear of losing it. is that the reason why i do not dare to move on? we have to be brave when we are "nothing", so i should put down all the burdens and ego to move on, shouldn't i? and what is wrong to face people's critics when i am really wrong? i should face the truth rather than escaping from the reality.. i have to admit it that i'm getting weak nowadays.. but i'll never agree that i'll be weak forever. just give me some time, and i'll be back.. into a strong girl.. =) but all i need now is the courage to make determination.. sigh... =p
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11:42 pm
Labels: 寻找。自我