Saw this in my friend's friendster photo album. I think it is fun. I just laugh out loud when I view it. Muahahahaha~~
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by -denise- at 9:47 pm 0 comments
Labels: 放松一下~
Monday, May 19, 2008
Phuket 游记 -Simon Show篇
所谓的Simon Show,其实是由变性人“领衔主演”的表演。可惜的是自五月以后观众就不能在Theater 里面拍照了。所以我们就只能在花园啊还是招牌等地方拍照。就像这样:
Posted by -denise- at 3:30 pm 0 comments
Labels: 放松一下~
Phuket 游记 -无所事事篇
因为遇上雨季,所以这次我们去Phuket没有出海。取而代之的是一天的City Tour和两晚的show。
逛下逛下,我们来到了Patong Beach一带最大间的购物广场。虽然很美,但却略嫌空旷,让人觉得闷。但是她的喷水池晚上可是有音乐喷泉的噢!
走到累了,刚好看到商场内有一摊饮料档,看看价钱,wan lao eh!怎么比外面那些破烂餐馆便宜这么多?!结果被哥“敲诈”了一杯,加上孝敬爸妈和自己的饮料,我大概才花了十多令吉,和外面比起来真的便宜多咯!那几杯水,忽然成了甘露,很好喝咧!
不单只是这样,在商场里面还看到比较便宜的面包,所以就买了好一大堆的,准备当午餐。=p 走着走着,我们终于决定了要买怎样的旅游配套,而刚好购物商场对面的那个摊位价格蛮合理的,所以我们接下来这两天不必再无所事事地逛街了。大概下午三点多,我们回到酒店休息,准备晚上去观赏Simon Show了!
Posted by -denise- at 2:30 pm 0 comments
Labels: 放松一下~
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
6F 聚会 2008
今年的同学聚会定于5月23日。是一个周五晚上,地点和去年一样,都是“叹茶屋”。为什么会选择周五?因为你们的Organizer我24日不得空啦~paiseh… =p 有谁是5月生日的吗?我们帮你庆祝生日哦!=p
Posted by -denise- at 8:45 pm 0 comments
Labels: 友情的交响乐
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
When I was browsing my friendster list last month, I saw a girl's shoutout was writing about her worries on the result of entering a local university. I sent a message to her and comfort her with my experience(being able to enter UPM with a very poor result =p). I was awating her reply at the first few days, but i cant get any reply from her, and I had forgotten this incident after my final exam. After realizing I had never check my friendster inbox for a long time, i opened it and notice the reply from this girl. She told me UPM is one of her choices but most of the people said she will not get it and most probably she will get UMS (you thought UMS easy to enter ar? My course mate put it her don't know 2nd or 3rd choice also cannot get it but got her don't know 5th or 6th choice leh!). In my reply, I told her not to care much on how other people said but what she want the most. There is nothing definitely wrong or definitely right, but our perseverance will decide our success. I told her not to give up her dream, but at the same time I asked myself, "how about me?". Am I dare enough to dream? Or I am just remain dreaming without taking any action? I want to explore myself in Germany but I don't know what should I do there. Study? Working? Travel? Am I brave or tough enough to face all the obstacles and difficulties while pursuing my dream? Could I have the determination to walk out from my family's protection? From where should I get the money needed besides asking it from my parents? What courses should I take if I really go for study? Can this experience help me in my future career? I have many questions that I am not able to answer, and there is still a long way to go, yet I am lost.. What is the path I should follow?
Posted by -denise- at 4:24 pm 0 comments
Labels: 生活琐碎的点滴
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
昨天和俐磷、慧雯还有Steven(俐磷的老公)一起为美倩庆祝她的21岁生日。在Sushi King坐了快两小时后我们到Leisure mall 顶楼的电动机场玩投篮,加上“路人甲”送给我们的分数卡,我们一共得到三百多张。所以,我们四个人,一人换了一个小包包和一个代表自己的徽章。这,是我们四人共有的回忆。久别重逢,果然会格外珍惜。昨晚,我真的很尽兴。谢谢你们。
PS: 我们相约六月十日
Posted by -denise- at 6:38 pm 0 comments
Labels: 友情的交响乐